
    The word itself, sometimes spelled with a hyphen as multi-media, has been used since 1962, from multi-, or "many," rooted in the Latin multus, "many or much;" and media, the plural form of medium, or "system of communication." transmissions that combine media of communication (text and graphics and sound etc.



My understanding: 

   Like the definition of Multimedia, Multi means many or much and this is a plural form of medium which means system of communication. So in short, Multimedia is a system or form of communication that combines two or more media. May it be text and graphics, audio, video, animation, games, websites and others like holograms.  Multimedia intends to give users more interesting and interactive experience. 

    For example is the game called Call of Duty where the combination of test, graphics, audio and videos exist. 




    Additionally, a multimedia can be used in learning. Many teachers and students use multimedia when presenting ideas and lectures using a PowerPoint. 


    Moreover, we can also use Multimedia to make a better video with subtitles and audio to make it more creative and expressive when we share it to other people. 


    Delivering information in creative way can catch people's attraction. With this, Multimedia can also be use when making infographics about a certain topic or information that you want to convey. 



(book cover)

    And lastly, we can also use the Multimedia when we're making a website. A website will be boring if it will only contain texts and nothing else so to get people interested in your website, you have to add pictures, videos, graphics, etc. 


    In summary, Multimedia is an extremely powerful technology that has changed the way we consume information, learn, and engage with content. While there are some negative consequences to the increasing usage of multimedia, its benefits cannot be overlooked. As technology advances, it is likely that multimedia will expand, and its future applications will be exciting to watch.

How do I use Multimedia?

    As a Grade 11 Humss Student, most of our subjects really do requires reporting and presenting out outputs and brainstorming most specifically in our subject like Creative Writing and Reading and Writing Skills. I must say that not only this subjects requires the uses of Multimedia; there are also subjects like Etech or Empowerment Technology and Pagbasa ang Pananaliksik where we can use Multimedia to deliver or convey our ideas and presentations more creatively and exciting. 

    For Powerpoint Presentations, there are times that I will just download some templates from Canva since there are many options there and there are all my taste and using Canva, it is more convenient since all I have to do is to browse some designs and then proceed with editing the context then I can already download it. 

    But for some formal presentation with minilmal designs, I will just download some designs that will suit my taste and then some fonts for the text then I will add a little picture or graphics that is connected to my presentation so my audience will get a visual image to what I'm presenting. 

 (example of powerpoint pesentation)

    Since I'm also a gamer, it is given that I know how to play some games and knowing that Multimedia is a combination of medias like text and animations etc. I am now aware that the game that I'm playing so I can release some stress and enjoy my leisure time is a type of multimedia since it have a lot of medias like audio, text animation, graphics and more. 

(call of duty mobile)

    Aside from being a gamer, I am also a writer so making a illustration became part of my routine. There are times that I will make some drafts and edit some pictures first and then scrabble some words to make a title and then I will arrange them one by one according to my likings and if ever that I got satisfied with my work, I'll save it then proceed with making the plot and the characters. 

(story from my facebook profile)

    And lastly since I'm a grade 11 student and we are required to make a lot of activities in our subject Empowerment and Technology, we are required to make multiple medias using a technology and they all have multimedia with them. 

    For example is the powerpoint presentation that we made and it requires a hyperlink. As simply as that, with combination of text and pictures or graphics, there are already a existent multimedia there. 

    Same with the invitation, tarpaulin and the infographic. They all have multimedia since it's a combination of images, text, graphics and animations arranged in my desired order and elements and principle that's based on our previous rubrics. 

    Lastly is the Websites, the blog and the website in weebly, they also have multimedia since it's a boring website if it's just texts and as a sophisticated person that I am, I tried putting pictures and the illustrations in my website because it can make them cute then lastly, I inserted some texts to have context.


Significance of Multimedia:

    In today's society, multimedia is important tool for communication, entertainment, and work. It combines several media types, including text, graphics, photos, animation, sound, video, and interactivity, to effectively engage people. Multimedia communication combines various kinds of communication into a single message that is more potent, memorable, and understandable than traditional means of communication.

    The importance of multimedia comes from its ability to engage and inform audience members in ways that traditional communication cannot. Because it may utilize graphics, animation, sound, music, and interactivity to make a dramatic statement about a product, service, or concept, it allows us to deliver a lot of information in a short amount of time. Furthermore, multimedia has the potential to catch and maintain the attention of viewers while properly and effectively communicating information.

    Multimedia, which combines text, images, video, and audio into a single presentation, is a useful tool in the classroom. It is also an effective memory and recall aid, making it easier for kids to remember facts and concepts. Businesses use multimedia in the workplace for marketing, advertising, training, education, and internal and external communication. It can highlight products and services in ways that textual material cannot, and it can help employees understand safety and compliance better. Businesses must continue to emphasize the relevance of multimedia in light of the rapid advancements in technology.

    At last, multimedia is an important tool with numerous uses in both the classroom and the industry. It is a strong communication, entertainment, and productivity tool that is utilized to engage audiences and improve the quality of information given. Multimedia, with its potential to reach large audiences and explain complicated concepts, will undoubtedly remain a vital component of our ever-changing digital world.



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